Scouting Resources.


Scoutbook is our primary communication tool for the Pack. Once a Scout is registered with Council, login credentials are supplied to their guardian. Scoutbook is used for event planning, communication and advancement tracking.

Cascade Pacific Council

Pack 710 is part of the Cascade Pacific Council. Their site is an excellent resource for scouting initiatives, Scout Camp and future opportunities.

Nor’West Scout Shop

Your one-stop shop for all things scouting. Uniforms, advancement, camping gear, gifts and more.

Youth Protection Training

As an organization, all registered adults in the pack must complete tozbe a member of the Committee Organization. As a Pack we ask that ALL Adults, whether in the committee or not complete the training.

Trails End—Popcorn

Our only fundraiser of the year runs from August thru October and is supported by Scouts BSA at both a National and Local level. For more information or participation details reach out to our Popcorn Kernel.